Back on March 2’nd I sent out one of my many “I NEED this…” tweets. This one was about the fantastic Squidarella umbrella by URBANtrim.
This ‘so-awesome-it-makes-me-grin-from ear-to-ear’ umbrella is a water-activated interactive masterpiece. As the rain drops hit it, it comes alive with bright vibrant color.
So this is where the love part comes in. So you can bow out if that kinda thing makes you feel queasy.
I get home from work on Wednesday a few minutes after the hubby (he rides a bike home and still beats me home half the time) and sitting on my chair in the living room is a box.
Yes, you guessed it. A Squidarella was inside! My too-good-to-be-true husband upon reading my tweet had quietly made my “need” a reality.
No fuss, no muss, just love.
It’s raining today and I am happy about it 🙂
A video of the Squidarella in action below (perhaps I will make one of my own to replace it some time).