
“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength”…

I have always believed that at the heart of the lack of civility problem online lies with anonymity. I firmly believe that the trolls would disappear if they were forced to take ownership for their words and opinions. Online discussion would instantly become much more thoughtful and relevant. … Continue reading“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength”…

Web 2.0 explained in less than 5 minutes: We are the web

No doubt you have heard the term Web 2.0. In fact you have probably heard it at least several times a week for the last year or so. Depending on what you do for a living perhaps even dozens of times a day. But if you are like many, the term is still a bit of a mystery. … Continue readingWeb 2.0 explained in less than 5 minutes: We are the web