Uh…what just happened?
I can’t be sure. It’s up for debate. But if you don’t get distracted by the construction paper explosion. Or lose your train of thought with the terrible lip synching. … Continue readingUh…what just happened?
I can’t be sure. It’s up for debate. But if you don’t get distracted by the construction paper explosion. Or lose your train of thought with the terrible lip synching. … Continue readingUh…what just happened?
All kinds of influences seem to be mashed up in Louie’s surreal work–from moody shadowy film noir…straight on over to shocking circus side show…perhaps taking a tiny bumpy detour through some futuristic and frightening atomic-age sci fi…and then coming to a distinct stop in lovely Victorian lacy steam-punky darkness–and they all come together in a brilliantly black and other-wordly explosion of just plain good… … Continue readingSelected Creeps and Creatures From A Surreal Mind…
Salvador Dali takes his anteater for a walk in New York.
Viola’s work is very simple with mostly just his voice and some percussion added to some visuals. Yet I find it a bit addictive. … Continue readingAnd speaking of surrealism..or fish…does this count?: Fred Viola’s multimedia art