
Blame Drew’s Cancer For All the Bad Stuff #BlameDrewsCancer

Drew–of Drew’s Cancer—is Drew Olanoff. He was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. Rather than sit around feeling sorry for himself over this horrible news, as I surely would have done, Olanoff decided to use his terrible situation to do some good. … Continue readingBlame Drew’s Cancer For All the Bad Stuff #BlameDrewsCancer

Web 2.0 explained in less than 5 minutes: We are the web

No doubt you have heard the term Web 2.0. In fact you have probably heard it at least several times a week for the last year or so. Depending on what you do for a living perhaps even dozens of times a day. But if you are like many, the term is still a bit of a mystery. … Continue readingWeb 2.0 explained in less than 5 minutes: We are the web

Feeling Social? 6 Pointers for Dipping Your Toe Into the Social Media Marketing Pool

Social Media Marketing is about conversations and connections not advertising. Don’t hawk your wares, converse. Think of it as a business cocktail meet and greet. Meet people, ask and answer questions, don’t sell. … Continue readingFeeling Social? 6 Pointers for Dipping Your Toe Into the Social Media Marketing Pool