Do you know what season it is?
Why Cadbury Egg season of course! And in honor of that fact I present Buck-grrph Lion versus Buck-meow Cat. And the Thriller reference? Well I’ll toss that in for FREE! … Continue readingDo you know what season it is?
Why Cadbury Egg season of course! And in honor of that fact I present Buck-grrph Lion versus Buck-meow Cat. And the Thriller reference? Well I’ll toss that in for FREE! … Continue readingDo you know what season it is?
I really don’t know why this is funny. But it IS funny. In fact, it’s hilarious. I mean goats yelling like humans was damn funny. But humans yelling like goats … Continue readingThis shouldn’t be funny…
Well then let’s hope you end up on the… BEST BUS STOP EVER!
But I’m not buying it. No, this is a flock of fishy factoids. A bonanza…nay a BEVY…of beastly untruths heaped upon the harmless horse of the sea. Okay, upon
It’s been a REALLY busy couple of weeks for me and I admit I AM falling down on delivering SBP content. But I’m about to make up for all of … Continue readingTwo words…skydiving cats
This is one of those not new, but still new to me videos. If you haven’t seen Piggy take her daily trip down the side of the fridge you really … Continue readingStop and watch Piggy the kitty do her fridge walk…
Few things are as funny to us as the “graceful” cat being anything but. And few things are as embarrassing to the cat. This compilation of mostly cat fails….with a … Continue readingCat Special…no not THAT kind…Forces
Look he’s not proud of it. But you do understand there are TREATS involved here, right? I mean, sometimes a dog has just got to…well…meow.
It’s the Bird Song! I tell you, you just haven’t lived ’till you’ve seen a Funk Seagull … or an Emo Ostrich… or a Disco Dodo. I’m not judging mind … Continue readingGet your bird on…
This is on of those “why didn’t someone think of this before?!” ideas. Film versus Music randomly pairs film scenes with music and the results are sometimes hilarious…sometimes strange….and, oddly, … Continue readingBrilliant mashup action over on Film versus Music…