
Impressive Ring Dance-y Athletic-y Thing…Oh Just Watch It, It’s Cool!…

It’s a guy and a big metal ring.

I know, I know it doesn’t sound like much. And you may be thinking about now that you’re not going to be impressed…but hang in there because I bet you are. Grace and athleticism always equal a win… … Continue readingImpressive Ring Dance-y Athletic-y Thing…Oh Just Watch It, It’s Cool!…

Not to be missed whirling, twirling, animated awesomeness…

It was not uncommon in my household growing up to be told to calm down because we were running around like a Whirling Dervish. When we got old enough to be curious about what that actually meant my mother told us “Go look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls”…also a common phrase in our house… … Continue readingNot to be missed whirling, twirling, animated awesomeness…