Deer vs. cat…
This is a case of not new, but new to me just the same. The video has been out there in the wilds of YouTube since last year and the … Continue readingDeer vs. cat…
This is a case of not new, but new to me just the same. The video has been out there in the wilds of YouTube since last year and the … Continue readingDeer vs. cat…
It’s true. It really happened. (Well through the magic of editing and some not-so-fancy but still awesome graphics it happened…but STILL it happened!) If I shuffle off this mortal coil … Continue readingBreaking News: Cat sings Star Wars theme & I can die happy
Trust me. And when you do watch it you WILL thank me. But before you press play think of the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. Got it? Now be prepared … Continue readingStop what you’re doing and watch this…really….
This clever boy has got skillz and he’s not afraid to use them. When did cats get so darn smart? Oh yeah…since forever. If your person is staring at the … Continue readingClever kitty removes his person’s glasses…
Oh Henri (said with a very French accent of course) I can practically feel the enui leaking off the screen. Sigh…why do they even force you to go to the … Continue readingHenri the Existential Cat goes to the vet
Lucky for me my cat doesn’t read Yahoo (or hang out of Reddit) cause knowing him he’d be demanding his very own “Cat-At” before the day was out. [via]
Join Henri the French cat… or chat as the case may be… as he laments the utter pointlessness of it all. I understand Henri. I get it. Sigh…oh the ennui…
So I just found out…thanks to the PreSurfer…that the Hen Holster is a thing…. … Continue readingNow all I need is a House Chicken
Can I just say….”Awwwwwww!!” Usually cats and crying babies just don’t mix… … Continue readingCat comforts baby to sleep…pat, pat…awww
Just a good bit of Internet silliness at its best. Ever thought a cat yawning kind of looked like a cat screaming? No? Well this guy did. So he made … Continue readingCat yawn scrEEAAMMsss will make you laugh…