Surrealism circa 1963: One Got Fat


This has got to be one of the strangest vintage educational films I have ever laid eyes on.  It features monkey children on bikes, quite a bit of carnage, a little monkey…with Road Rage, and even a little dose of fat bashing. I, of course, had to share it.

Sit back and enjoy “One Got Fat” circa 1963. Then prepare for the inevitable nightmares tonight. (Oh and what is up with that sick sick child Orv who eats all his dead friend’s lunches?)

Narrated by Edward Everett Horton. Script and Direction: Dale Jennings. Photography: Max Hutto. Art Direction: Ralph Hulett. With Dick Hutto, Janice Powell, Lucie Hagens, Ralph Hulett, Clyde L. Johnson, Dave Hembree, Colleen Hutto, Charles Hagens, Kevin Lindsay, Dan Whitehead, Don Moody, Diane Chambers, Shirley Hulett.