My birthday came early this year. Partly because my husband spoils me and partly because he hates waiting. I am the proud…and slightly intimidated…owner of a Sruli Recht original. An absolutely gorgeous hand crafted “Thy Will Be Done” book.
Recht is an award winning designer born in Israel, citizen of Australia, and now a resident of Reykjavik Iceland (where my book came from). His career started in fashion and has branched out from there. And, well, his list of influences…as listed by wikipedia…are, to say the least, fascinating and include: Futurism, Cyberpunk, Russian Constructivism, Industrial design and Science-Fiction.
Recht’s work isn’t without some degree of controversy. But one thing’s for sure…it’s innovative and provoking. Plus the guy defines the word quirky. And in case you are wondering that is something that I approve of, and value, greatly.
Below is a video of Recht being silly in his studio. In it he touches on the making of the books that I am now an owner of (around 1:43…a smaller version than mine). And then below that are some shots of my very own Recht original.
Gorgeous isn’t it? Now if I could just (a) figure out what is worthy of writing down in it and (b) screw my courage to to the sticking point and just start writing in it already.