The Spielberg Face…
You might not have been truly conscious of it’s existence before. (I honestly don’t think I really was.) But trust me when I say you DO know what has been deemed “The Spielberg Face.” … Continue readingThe Spielberg Face…
You might not have been truly conscious of it’s existence before. (I honestly don’t think I really was.) But trust me when I say you DO know what has been deemed “The Spielberg Face.” … Continue readingThe Spielberg Face…
I’ll tell you what you get…a whole lot of awesome that’s what. Need proof? Look no further then this splendid Star Wars parody “Cello Wars” … … Continue readingWhat do you get when you combine cellos and light sabers?
It was the late 1940’s and seeking an artistic outlet Kubrick…all fresh-faced and moody…somehow landed himself a job as the youngest ever photojournalist for Look magazine. (I’m guessing the “somehow” had something to do with a publisher knowing raw pure talent when he saw it.)… … Continue reading1940’s Black-and-White Eye-Candy from a Surprising Source…
Sometimes you just fall instantly in love. That was how it was with me and Marcel… … Continue readingOh gawd I can smell his face!….
Oh yeah loving this. Fan’s of fonts AND fans of Star Wars alike should give this super-clever typographical re-edit of the end of “Star Wars:Episode V – A New Hope” … Continue readingStar Wars is given a typographical twist….
So, apparently there’s this thing you can do now where you go paragliding with a bird of prey. It’s called…wait for it….”parahawking.”…. … Continue readingMeanwhile in Nepal…paragliding with a hawk…
When someone coined the word breathtaking I hope the event they were describing was nearly as magical as this one… … Continue readingWhen birds get artistic…
Admit it, you’ve wondered at least once why HAL sang Daisy in his death scene in 2001 A Space Odyssey, right? Right? Oh, was that just me then? How embarrassing…. … Continue readingWhy HAL sang Daisy…
When you think of Star Wars I’m betting the words “disco” or “France” don’t come to mind very often. Likewise were you to think of France I’m guessing Star Wars or disco would not likely cross your mind. But if I was to ask you to think about 1980 there IS a chance that BOTH Star Wars and Disco WOULD pop up…. … Continue readingMeanwhile in France about 30-some years ago…
I’ll admit, it is hard for me to imagine a world before the dial tone. Sure I’ve watched plenty of old movies and TV shows so I’m well aware of the iconic “Number please” phone operators. But truly imagining it is, honestly, difficult at best. Therefore it’s, naturally all kinds of fascinating to me. It’s quaint and somehow nostalgic in a way that only things that you never really experienced for yourself can be… … Continue readingIt’s 1954 and Now YOU Can Dial!…