Many don’t realize that Leonard Nimoy…yes THAT Nimoy- the Fringe star (ha! see how I did that?)…is an accomplished trained photographer.
His latest series Secret Selves features 100 mad scientists, super heroes, wizards and rock stars who disguise themselves as normal Northampton, Massachusetts type folks during the day.
Good stuff.
If you’re in the Massachusetts area you can see the exhibit live at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) through January 2, 2011.
For the rest of us here are a few choice shots.
Rock Star Scott plays a Children’s Book Illustrator by day.
[Clicky-click for me…go it…pleeeasssee?]
Femme Fatale Natalie spends her days playing Foster Care Mom.
Force of Nature Matt hides behind his paint brushes and canvases all day.
Canine at Heart Barry wrestles Book Designing during daylight hours.
Wizard Ira has cast a spell so people think he’s an Advertising Firm CEO.