Earth hour started in 2007 in Sydney Australia with an impressive 2.2 million homes and business turning out their lights for one hour to call attention to the global warming crisis. In just a year that simple idea had taken on wings with over 50 million people stretching across 25 countries participating in the hour of darkness.
In 2008 iconic landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Colosseum in Rome and the Coke sign in Times Square switched their lights off for the hour.
Over 75 countries and territories are taking part this year. For one hour millions will join in a simple act of awareness designed to remind people of the crisis we face and the power we have as individuals to make a difference.
This years Earth Hour is scheduled for March 28, 2009 at 8:30 PM. See the Earth Hour website for local time and details about related activities in your areas. You can make a commitment to particiapte by signing up on the site and they even provide a free logo, printable promos/ads to spread the word, and a t-shirt graphic if you’d like to spread the word by wearing it on a shirt. There is even a really fun interactive Earth Hour website for kids.
Come on, want to share an hour of darkness with me on March 28th?